Mitsuhiro Arita
Stage 1, EX 
Ultra Rara 


Poké-Body: Danger Perception As long as Scizor ex’s remaining HP is 60 or less, Scizor ex does 40 more damage to the Defending Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

Steel Wing: 40 damage. During your opponent’s next turn, any damage done to Scizor ex by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

Cross-Cut: 50+ damage. If the Defending Pokémon is an Evolved Pokémon, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage. When Pokémon-ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire ×2

Resistance: Grass -30

Retreat Cost: 1

Scizor ex

R$ 60.00  R$ 101.23  R$ 135.00
R$ 413,30
gteradaFoil DM - Danificada1 un.R$ 60,00
VIPTCGFoil DM - Danificada 1 un.R$ 94,90
GoMatsuda DM - Danificada1 un.R$ 115,00
fujikan SP - Pouco jogada1 un.R$ 135,00

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