Super Rara 


([Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Greymon] in name: Cost 3) [Hand] [Counter] [Blast Digivolve] (One of your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.) [Blocker] (At blocker timing, by suspending this Digimon, it becomes the attack target.) [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When a card is removed from a security stack, you may unsuspend this Digimon.

WarGreymon Ace


2 usuários desejam esta carta

R$ 16.50  R$ 17.00  R$ 18.00
LukiDWolfFoil NM - Quase nova2 un.R$ 16,50
GugomesPromo NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 16,99
FileCityStore NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 18,00

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