11 \n
11000 \n 


Effect : [On Play][When Digivolving] Choose any number of your opponents Digimon so that their DP total is up to 6000 and delete them. For each of your other Digimon, add 2000 to the maximum this DP-based deletion effect can delete. [All Turns] For each of your other Digimon with [Sistermon] in its name or the [Royal Knight] trait, all of your Digimon get +1000 DP. \n Digivolve effect : - \n Security effect : - \n Promo Info : ▹BOOSTER VS ROYAL KNIGHT [BT-13] \nForm : Mega \n Attribute : Data \n Type : Holy Warrior/Royal Knight \n DP : 11000 \n Play Cost : 11 \n Digivolve Cost 1 : 3 from Lv.5 \n Digivolve Cost 2 : - \n



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