

[Start of Your Turn] If you have 2 memory or less, set your memory to 3.
[Your Turn] When one of your Digimon digivolves into a Digimon with [Greymon] in its name, by suspending this Tamer, that Digimon gets +2000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn. If it digivolved into a same-lebel Digimon, it isn't affected by your opponent's Option cards until the end of your opponet's turn.

Yuuya Kuga


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R$ 8.00  R$ 15.65  R$ 25.00
R$ 1,65
Tazdum NM - Quase nova2 un.R$ 8,00
ManoPhotonFoil SP - Pouco jogada2 un.R$ 8,89
Kaerion NM - Quase nova3 un.R$ 10,00
Sturz NM - Quase nova3 un.R$ 10,00
Freevolution NM - Quase nova4 un.R$ 14,99
DMewtwoFoil NM - Quase nova3 un.R$ 25,00
Lockzer NM - Quase nova4 un.R$ 25,00

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