Mini Dragon, Dragon, Xros Heart 
Rara Secreta 


DigiXros -2: 1 Digimon card w/[Xros Heart] in traits
When you would play this card, you may place specified cards from your hand/battle area under it. Each placed card reduces the play cost.
The name of this card/Digimon is also treated as [Shoutmon].
[On Play] You may return 1 card with a DigiXros requirement from your trash to your hand. When you would DigiXros this turn, this Digimon may replace 1 of the DigiXros requirements.
(When this Digimon would be deleted, you may place 1 card in this Digimon's DigiXros requirements from this Digimon's digivolution cards under 1 of your Tamers.)

Shoutmon (King Version)

Xros Encounter

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R$ 20.00  R$ 20.00  R$ 20.00
R$ 10,20
VitaoDFLFull-Art NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 20,00

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