Rara [R] 


Super 17
Android/Machine Mutant - Super 17 Saga
(You must place the top 2 cards of your deck in your Drop Area to activate this skill.) When this card attacks, draw 1 card. When your life is at 4 or less : You may choose up to 2 of your energy, switch them to Active Mode, and flip this card over.

Super 17
Android/Machine Mutant - Super 17 Saga
(This skill takes effect when you have 5 or more cards in your Drop Area.) When this card attacks, draw 1 card, and this card gains for the duration of the turn. If your opponent has 10 or more cards in hand, your opponent places cards from their hand in their Drop Area until they have 9 cards in hand.

Super 17


1 usuário deseja esta carta

R$ 1.99  R$ 2.17  R$ 2.70
R$ 0,80
OmoshiroiGeekShopFoil NM - Quase nova3 un.R$ 1,99
CKCardGamesFoil NM - Quase nova 1 un.R$ 2,70

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