Rara [R] 


Evil Incarnate - Janemba Saga
(You must place the top 2 cards of your deck in your Drop Area to activate this skill.) When this card attacks, draw 1 card. When your life is at 4 or less : You may choose up to 2 of your energy, switch them to Active Mode, and flip this card over.

Evil Incarnate - Janemba Saga
(This skill takes effect when you have 5 or more cards in your Drop Area.) When this card attacks, draw 1 card, and this card gets +5000 power and for the duration of the turn. Choose 1 card in your hand and place it in the Drop Area : During this turn, when your opponent activates , they choose 3 cards from their hand and place them in their Drop Area.



3 usuários desejam esta carta

R$ 2.49  R$ 3.61  R$ 4.50
R$ 0,90
ParaizoooFoil NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 2,49
GeekSideShopReverse Foil NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 2,95
CKCardGamesFoil NM - Quase nova 2 un.R$ 4,50

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