Machine, Light 


Tetra Vylon
If this card is sent from the Monster Card Zone to the Graveyard: You can pay 500 Life Points, then target 1 face-up monster you control; equip this card to that target. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, you can destroy this Equip Card instead.

Vylon Tetra


2 usuários desejam esta carta

R$ 0.80  R$ 2.32  R$ 5.00
R$ 0,80
Nenhum resultado foi encontrado.

Outros Vendedores

MiziaraSuper Rare SP - Pouco jogada 3 un.R$ 0,80
DiegoHuckembeckSuper Rare, 1st NM - Quase nova2 un.R$ 1,00
EnigmadoMilenioSuper Rare NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 1,25
OmegaCardsSuper Rare SP - Pouco jogada1 un.R$ 1,49
MysticalSpaceSuper Rare NM - Quase nova4 un.R$ 1,50
BergoSuper Rare NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 1,99
GuiguitoSuper Rare NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 3,00
jeamorSuper Rare NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 4,00
DimensaodofuturoSuper Rare NM - Quase nova4 un.R$ 4,23
DMewtwoSuper Rare, 1st NM - Quase nova 1 un.R$ 5,00

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