12 \n
12000 \n 


Effect : [On Play][When Digivolving] Play 1 [Amon of Crimson Flame] (Digimon/Red/6000 DP/<Rush>) Token and 1 [Umon of Blue Thunder] (Digimon/Yellow/6000 DP/<Blocker>) Token. [All Turns] When this Digimon would digivolve or leave the battle area, delete all of your [Amon of Crimson Flame] and [Umon of Blue Thunder]. If this effect deletes, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>. \n Digivolve effect : - \n Security effect : - \n Notes : ▹BOOSTER BLAST ACE [BT14] \nForm : Mega \n Attribute : Vaccine \n Type : Holy Dragon/Four Great Dragons \n DP : 12000 \n Play Cost : 12 \n Digivolve Cost 1 : 4 from Lv.5 \n Digivolve Cost 2 : 4 from Lv.5 \n



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