

Os céus se turvam e os trovões rugem, anunciando a vinda desta criatura antiga, e a alvorada do verdadeiro poder.
The heavens twist and thunder roars, signaling the coming of this ancient creature, and the dawn of true power.

Slifer, o Dragão Celeste
Slifer the Sky Dragon

R$ 6.00  R$ 22.92  R$ 90.00
R$ 2,60
GetulinoUltra Rare NM - Quase nova44 un.R$ 14,99
GetulinoQuarter Century Secret Rare NM - Quase nova3 un.R$ 89,99

Outros Vendedores

CBSFastShopUltra Rare, Limited DM - Danificada1 un.R$ 6,00
LeBlancUltra Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 9,99
FelipenienUltra Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova 2 un.R$ 10,00
CedricoUltra Rare NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 10,00
LinczenderUltra Rare NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 10,00
DimensaodofuturoUltra Rare NM - Quase nova19 un.R$ 10,86
LuisNPcardSuper Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 14,99
UnboxingLuigiUltra Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova 2 un.R$ 16,00
CardShopBRUltra Rare NM - Quase nova2 un.R$ 19,99
FloripaPapelariaUltra Rare NM - Quase nova40 un.R$ 20,00
SpencerMUltra Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 20,00
LojaMilenarUltra Rare, Limited DM - Danificada 1 un.R$ 22,05
AnayaCardsQuarter Century Secret Rare, Unlimited NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 60,00
FloripaPapelariaQuarter Century Secret Rare NM - Quase nova2 un.R$ 65,00
Renyps777Quarter Century Secret Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 69,90
LuisNPcardQuarter Century Secret Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 79,99
cmk3Quarter Century Secret Rare NM - Quase nova2 un.R$ 80,00
MangaStationQuarter Century Secret Rare NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 89,00
DiademaTCGQuarter Century Secret Rare, Unlimited NM - Quase nova2 un.R$ 89,90
UnboxingLuigiQuarter Century Secret Rare, Limited NM - Quase nova 1 un.R$ 90,00

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