Hiromichi Sugiyama


Texture Magic: . You may change Cool Porygon's Resistance to a type of your choice other than Colorless. If the Defending Pokémon has a Weakness, you may change it to a type of your choice other than Colorless. (Benching either Pokémon ends the effect on that Pokémon.)

3-D Attack: 20×. Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.

Weakness: Fighting ×2

Resistance: Psychic -30

Retreat Cost:

Cool Porygon

R$ 110.00  R$ 115.00  R$ 119.99
GetulinoFoil SP - Pouco jogada 1 un.R$ 119,99

Outros Vendedores

Danielf4004Foil SP - Pouco jogada 1 un.R$ 110,00
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