design:竜徹 illust:天城望
Dark Irregulars 
Normal Unit 
Triple Rare 


Normal Unit | Dark Irregulars | Human | Dark Zone | Grade 3 | Power 12000 | Critical 1 | Shield | Twin Drive, Protect |
[ACT](VC):If your soul has ten or less cards, [COST][Soul-Blast]1], choose a card from your soul, and bind it face down. [CONT](VC):Gain all of the following according to the number of face down cards in your bind zone. ・Five or more‐This unit gets [Power] +5000. (Active on your opponents turn too) ・Seven or more‐During your turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000/drive +1. ・Ten or more‐During your turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000/[Critical] +2. [AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if your bind zone has fifteen or more face down cards, choose one of your opponents vanguards, and deal two damage.

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