Casual | D/D/D

Criado por Crenry em 23/02/2021 - 274 Visualizações
R$ 67,59     R$ 156,15

Sobre esse deck:

Deck D/D/D com sleeve

1 D/D Vice Typhon COTD-EN017
1 D/D Necro Slime DOCS-EN012
1 D/D Swirl Slime DOCS-EN011
1 D/D Ghost MACR-EN015
1 D/D Necro Slime MP16-EN115
2 D/D Lamia SDPD-EN005
1 D/D Orthros SDPD-EN004
2 D/D Savant Copernicus SDPD-EN003
3 D/D Savant Kepler SDPD-EN011
1 D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse SDPD-EN001
1 D/D/D Doom King Armageddon SDPD-EN006
1 D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok SDPD-EN012
1 D/D Necro Slime SP17-EN027
2 D/D Swirl Slime SP17-EN026
2 D/D Savant Thomas TDIL-EN010
1 Armageddon Knight SDSH-EN017
3 Dark Contract with the Gate SDPD-EN024
1 Dark Contract with the Swamp King SDPD-EN025
1 One for One SDPD-EN028
3 Trade-In SDBE-EN024
2 Where Arf Thou? LDK2-ENK29
1 Where Arf Thou? SDCL-EN031

1 D/D/D Gust High King Alexander COTD-EN040
1 D/D/D Wave High King Caesar COTD-EN042
2 D/D/D Flame King Genghis CT13-EN005
1 D/D/D Gust King Alexander CT13-EN010
1 D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok MP16-EN138
1 D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried SDPD-EN042
1 D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf SDPD-EN041
1 D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga SP17-EN045
1 D/D/D Oracle King dArc SP17-EN040
1 D/D/D Flame High King Genghis SOFU-EN095
2 D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh DUOV-EN004

1 D/D Vice Tifon COTD-EN017
1 D/D Limo Necro DOCS-EN012
1 D/D Limo Espiral DOCS-EN011
1 D/D Fantasma MACR-EN015
1 D/D Limo Necro MP16-EN115
2 D/D Lâmia SDPD-EN005
1 D/D Orthros SDPD-EN004
2 D/D Copernicus, o Erudito SDPD-EN003
3 D/D Kepler, o Erudito SDPD-EN011
1 D/D/D Apocalipse, o Rei do Caos SDPD-EN001
1 D/D/D Armagedom, o Rei do Fim SDPD-EN006
1 D/D/D Abismo Ragnarok, o Rei Esquecido SDPD-EN012
1 D/D Limo Necro SP17-EN027
2 D/D Limo Espiral SP17-EN026
2 D/D Sábio Thomas TDIL-EN010
1 Cavaleiro do Armagedom SDSH-EN017
3 Pacto Obscuro com o Portal SDPD-EN024
1 Pacto Obscuro com o Rei do Pântano SDPD-EN025
1 Um por Um SDPD-EN028
3 Trocar SDBE-EN024
2 Onde Estarás Tu? LDK2-ENK29
1 Onde Estarás Tu? SDCL-EN031

1 D/D/D Alexandre, o Alto Rei dos Vendavais COTD-EN040
1 D/D/D César, o Alto Rei das Ondas COTD-EN042
2 D/D/D Gêngis, o Rei das Chamas CT13-EN005
1 D/D/D Alexandre, o Rei dos Vendavais CT13-EN010
1 D/D/D César Ragnarok, o Rei Esquecido das Ondas MP16-EN138
1 D/D/D Siegfried, o Rei Amaldiçoado SDPD-EN042
1 D/D/D Beowulf, o Rei Matador de Dragões SDPD-EN041
1 D/D/D Kali Yuga, o Rei do Duplo Amanhecer SP17-EN045
1 D/D/D dArc, o Rei Oráculo SP17-EN040
1 D/D/D Gengis, o Alto Rei das Chamas SOFU-EN095
2 D/D/D Gilgamesh, o Rei do Abismo DUOV-EN004

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