Suporte, Treinador 
Ultra Rara 


Each player shuffles their hand and puts it on the bottom of their deck. If either player put any cards on the bottom of their deck in this way, each player draws a card for each of their remaining Prize cards.

Weakness: none

Resistance: none


R$ 250.00  R$ 304.44  R$ 330.00
R$ 373,60
MSR2021CardsPokeFull-Art NM - Quase nova 1 un.R$ 250,00
cahduskman89Altered Art NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 250,00
Villeneuveikk NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 280,00
RuivoTCGAltered Art NM - Quase nova4 un.R$ 325,00
JCMendes NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 330,00
crisodias NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 330,00

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